S. C. Johnson Italy

Sector Fast Moving Consumer Goods
Venue Arese (MI)
Year of foundation 1960
Number of employees 212
Website https://www.scjohnson.com
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Company profile

We are SC Johnson, a family company at work for a better world. We are a leading manufacturer of household cleaning products and products for home storage, air care, pest control and shoe care, as well as professional products. At global level, SC Johnson brands include Glade®, Kiwi®, OFF!®, Pledge®, Mr Muscle®, Duck®, Baygon® and Raid®. Other brands include Ziploc®, Scrubbling Bubbles®, Windex®, Autan®, Bama®, Shout®, Mrs Meyers®, Babyganics®, Method® and Ecover®. We are headquartered in Racine, Wisconsin, U.S.A. Our Italian office is in Arese, in the northwest area of Milan. Our Chairman and CEO, Fisk Johnson, is the fifth generation of the family to lead the company. As a family company, we care about making life cleaner, easier and better for families. That’s why we’ve spent over a century making quality products that work, using ingredients you can trust. We are at work for a better world. This is not just a tag line – it’s a reminder that we hold ourselves to a higher standard, building on our legacy of trust by doing the work to meet the needs of our consumers while protecting the planet for generations to come.


Our employees say about us: Best Results

People here are treated fairly regardless of their sexual orientation.


People here are treated fairly regardless of their race or ethnic origin.


People here are treated fairly regardless of their gender.


When you join the organisation, you are made to feel welcome.


I feel good about the ways we contribute to the community.


Management is honest and ethical in its business practices.











What sets us apart

There are additional values that set us apart from other companies – values like trust and family, creativity and spirit, sustainability and engagement. We take into account the impact of every single choice, far beyond its immediate marketplace effects. We also work to make life better for the next generation and to protect the environment and the world in which we live. We do this because we don’t answer to the whims of the stock market or the trends of the day! We work hard to promote a high-performing, inclusive and winning culture with a strong sense of fairness. This is often visible with employees going the extra mile for their customers, managers and peers. Employees are regularly recognized and rewarded for a job well done in many different ways. Our major strength is represented by our people, who are the real competitive advantage of the company. What distinguishes SCJ people are not only their competencies but, especially, their humanity and the friendly relationships they build between each other. This makes the working environment familiar, informal and inclusive. We consider all these aspects our distinctive and winning peculiarities.

Tom Tsatsaronis, VP, GM, Western and Southern Europe

“Great companies are defined by their long-standing values and this is what attracts and retains top talent within the organization. In SC Johnson, we focus on people, sustainability and doing the right thing, making choices that are better for the environment and for the health of our consumers. Upon entering our offices in Arese, Italy, you can clearly see the shared values amongst the teams, the camaraderie in ways of working and the overall sense of family. In fact, we don’t just belong to a great company… we are part of an amazing family and that is visible in everything we do!”

Serena Colombo, Director,Human Resources Southern Europe

“The key value of our company is the centrality of our people, which is taken into high consideration in all big and small decisions we make every day at all levels in the organization. We put people – and not just employees – first and we act accordingly because we believe that only in a great place to work they can fully express their potential. We do care about people and that is why my job in this company in the last 20 years has been so exciting and meaningful.”

Working in S. C. Johnson Italy

Working in SCJ means joining a new big family in which working relationships are based on mutual trust, which is a crucial part of the company culture. SC Johnson believes in people involvement and empowerment, and it considers youth as the driving force which can push our organization towards development. Exemplary behaviors are always recognized and celebrated, and performing people are valued and offered training or developing opportunities. We keep high levels of performance for a long time and not only for the short term, trying to reach successful results for the next few years. The company also offers job opportunities which go beyond national and European areas and which thus allow to operate in both Italian and global contexts.Working in SCJ also means being engaged in environmental sustainability and taking care of our world as well as its population, especially the struggling ones.All these peculiarities make SCJ a wonderful and unique working environment, which allows everyone to express themselves, develop new skills and knowledge and create their own desired career.

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The voice of our collaborators

  • "Il clima è rilassato e rispettoso, c'è molta disponibilità e collaborazione tra colleghi e i manager sono sempre pronti a dare supporto e affiancare nella risoluzione di eventuali problemi. Inoltre, l'attenzione al benessere dei dipendenti è veramente degna di nota."

  • "Il rispetto e la valorizzazione della vita privata offrono un equilibrio lavoro/vita personale eccellente e impagabile. La condivisione del profitto aziendale incoraggia tutti in qualsiasi posizione organizzativa a contribuire attivamente al successo e all'immagine positiva dell'azienda."

  • "SCJ offre opportunità di job rotation e mobilità, scambi internazionali quotidiani e possibilità di visitare i nostri impianti produttivi e quelli dei principali fornitori, con continua possibilità di apprendimento. C'è un reale interesse per la crescita e il miglioramento professionale dei dipendenti, con percorsi chiari e la possibilità di esprimere le proprie preferenze per il futuro. Gentilezza, disponibilità e sorrisi sono sempre garantiti."

  • "Le persone sono l'aspetto unico di SCJ: i nostri valori sono presenti ogni giorno e lo si vede anche nelle persone nuove che vengono assunte. In azienda c'è rispetto per la persona in ogni interazione professionale, si ascoltano i feedback dei dipendenti sia sull'ambiente che sui loro desideri di crescita e si organizzano eventi interni per favorire la socialità. Molte aziende si descrivono come famiglia, come ambiente di lavoro accogliente in cui si va volentieri, ma SC Johnson lo rende vero ogni giorno."